I recently did a Q&A on my Instagram and one question that I was asked was about my weekly training schedule and how I fit it all in. I thought I’d answer in the format of a blog post, as it allows for more explanation.
I’m coached by 4Performance so my training plan is given to me by my coach, based on how much time I have available, my goals, strengths and weaknesses. It’s periodised so my training is split into four-week blocks, with three weeks of progressive build then a week of easier training to recover. My training varies between 8 and 12 hours per week, depending on where in that block I am.

A typical week of training
Below is a typical week of training. This assumes that gyms and pools are open and club sessions are running! Obviously over the past year, things have looked slightly different while we were in lockdown.
1 hour Pilates class, 1 hour club run (varies between hills, endurance, intervals or time trial)
45-minute swim (intervals), 1 hour turbo trainer bike session (intervals)
Rest day
45 minute strength session, 1 hour turbo trainer bike session (intervals)
45 minute club track running session (intervals/speed work), 30 minute yoga/stretching session
60-90 minute run (run/walk endurance), 45 minute swim (intervals)
2-3 hour road bike
Most days I have two sessions, so it takes a bit of planning and organisation to fit everything in. Double days are usually structured so that an easier session is paired with a harder session.

How I fit it all in
I’ll be completely honest and say that working from home for the past year has been a godsend for my training! I no longer have to get up at 5.30am to get to the pool or gym before commuting to work. I can use my lunch breaks to train or early evening when I would usually have been commuting home.
Once I do return to the office, I will use my commute to complete some of my run sessions.
Having a training plan works for me. I like being able to look at what’s on the schedule for the following day and know what I need to do. Every session has a purpose, so I’m not wasting time with junk miles.
Communicating with my coach is important if I need to move workouts around or change something in my plan. Sometimes life does get in the way, so if I have to miss a session, I just leave it and move on rather than trying to cram it into another day.
Being prepared and organised is also key. I get my swim bag ready the night before so I’m ready to go first thing. I get the turbo set up well in advance of my session, and technical issues always delay things!
My mindset is that I train because I want to, not because I have to. I make training a priority as I’ve got big goals I’m aiming towards, and if I don’t do the work then no one else will do it for me!

All items worn were gifted by Dare2B