Weekly Re-Cap

I thought I’d start a weekly re-cap of my training leading up to the Hampton Court Half Marathon. I started training for the race around a month ago, and there are still 16 weeks to go until race day, so I’m allowing 20 weeks of training as I wanted to take it slow and build up gradually.
This week has been manic with job interviews almost every day, I only managed to fit in 2 runs, but I kept active in other ways.

Monday– Rest

Tuesday– 40 minute treadmill walk for FitFlop testing 

Wednesday– 2 hour dog-walk
45 minute swimming lesson 
40 minute treadmill walk for FitFlop testing

Thursday– 4 mile run

Friday– 45 minute rebounding class

Saturday– 8 mile run

Sunday– 60 minute Zumba Toning class

I’ve been helping with walking my parent’s dog Murphy this week, as my Mum has a fractured foot and can’t walk him at the moment. It’s been lovely spending time with him over the park, he is so full of energy and wants to play all day! 


I tried a rebounding class at Frame Shoreditch on Friday evening. It was a fun and fast-paced class using mini trampolines to do an aerobics-style routine. I did struggle to keep up with some of the choreography as I’m not the most co-ordinated, but I managed not to fall off of the trampoline! 

My Saturday morning run was 8 miles which is my longest so far. I felt good throughout the run, had enough energy and my shin injury didn’t play up too much. Glen and I ran at a local country park which offers miles of scenic routes.
Glen powering along

I’ve been doing an 8-week Zumba Toning course on Sunday afternoons, which I find is a nice gentle class to round off the week. The weights we use are not particularly heavy, but again it is the dance routine which is the tricky part for me, I’ve been doing Zumba for years but still mess up the footwork! 

Spent the rest of the day watching the New York Marathon and following updates on Twitter- very inspiring, maybe one day I’ll even run a marathon! 


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