Weekly Re-Cap 19

Monday- Run with Havering Tri Club (8.84 miles)

Tuesday- Rest and physio exercises

Wednesday- 45 minute swimming lesson

Thursday- Run commute (5.54 miles)

Friday- Rest and physio exercises

Saturday- International Women’s Day Run (4.43 miles) and The Movement yoga class

Sunday- Hot Pilates at Yotopia

On Monday I joined up to Havering Tri Club, and went for my first training run with the triathletes. We did 8.84 miles which included 4 hill sprints- quite a large training session compared to my usual weekday plod! One of the ladies I was running with, turned out to be a neighbour who lives about 5 doors along from me! No excuses for a cycling buddy now!

Wednesday was my last evening swimming session, as I will be moving to the advanced group on Saturday mornings. The dreaded calf cramp returned and I struggled to swim with my leg ceasing up- apparently calf cramps mean a lack of salt in the diet and I’ve been advised to eat a packet of crisps before swimming- I’m not really a fan of salty foods so I’m not sure about this one!

I did my first (partial) run commute home from work on Thursday, in which I followed the Central Line to South Woodford. It was a very windy evening and there was a huge hill after 3 miles, I had to pause to check the map a few times but eventually made it to the tube station. Now I know the route, I can extend it by another mile or so to take me further along the line. 

I ended the week with a fantastic run, yoga event and hot pilates class. 


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