Monday- Rest
Tuesday- Rest (Running Like a Girl event)
Wednesday- 45 minute swimming lesson and physio exercises
Thursday- 5 mile run
Friday- 2 mile run
Saturday- 11.6 mile run
Sunday- NTC Secret Yoga Club
I was exhausted at the beginning of this week, so took a few rest days and on Tuesday attended the Running Like a Girl event. It took until Wednesday for my legs to recover from Sunday’s long run!
Friday’s run was just a short 2 miles, as I had to get to an emergency dentist appointment. I managed to chip my front tooth on Thursday evening and wanted it fixed fast, so luckily the dentist fitted me in on Friday, but it didn’t allow much time for my run.
My long-run was on Saturday this week, as I was out on Saturday evening for a friend’s 30th birthday. I must say this was one of my toughest runs so far, I really struggled with the last few miles and cut it slightly short (intended to do 12 miles). I was tired, my legs hurt and my mind was telling me to give up and I’m never going to make it to the full half-marathon distance, I felt very emotional and burst into tears when I saw Glen waiting for me back at the car. I’m finding it tough being out there on my own for 2 hours running with only my thoughts to keep me company, these last few training runs are becoming tough mentally. I’m in awe of marathon runners, as these 12 milers are killing me, I don’t think I could last 26.2 miles! I still have 4 weeks until my half-marathon, but I’m ready for it now- I think on the day I will be fine with the support of the crowds and the atmosphere, but I’m struggling to run alone in training.
Lee Valley on my Saturday run |
I ended the week with a fantastic yoga class with Nike Training Club.
I took part in week 3 of Fiona’s January Health & Fitness Challenge, the challenges were:
On Monday set a timer for 60 seconds and count how many press ups you can do. Every day repeat that number of press ups again, adding on at least 2 more each time. I managed 21 on Monday, and just about eeked out 33 by Sunday! I had to do some on my knees by the end of the week though!
Don’t eat any ‘naughty’ desserts until the weekend. I don’t really eat desserts often, so no problem there!
Get involved with week 4 of the challenge here.